I’m sure you’ve all heard of the famous philosopher, Charles Sanders Peirce. His theory on sign relation is:
A sign is something (A) which brings something (B) its interpretant into correspondence with something (C) an object.
Now, he may not have been talking about actual signage, but more "everyday" signs, for example: My kids (A) have been really quiet for a while and I hear random crashing sounds and possible furniture being moved (B). I interpret that as something terrible is happening in the playroom and they don’t want me to know about it (C).
This theory holds true for marketing and design as well. The goal is to design signs to inspire reactions by viewers and persuade them to take an action.
Designing Signs
When we designed our first sign, did we know about exterior signage, and city ordinances for square footage allowances, and all the permits, readability distances, and everything that goes into managing a project like that? Maybe not every detail, but we knew full well that we would soon become experts due to our tireless work ethic. There was also a chance we'd lie awake with night terrors for several days knowing that we’d soon be exposed for the frauds that we are.
There was a lot of math involved and some people here don’t trust my math skills. One quarter of Basic College Math at Ohio State will make people skeptical when they see me calculating square footage on a building blueprint. Give me a break, I was an Art student.
We did our research and started learning the ins and outs of signage design. Once we did, our creative experience took over.
After having several sign projects under our belts, do we know all these things now? We sure do.
Retail Signage
We’re able to think outside the box in terms of design, but also understand how crystal clear the interpretation has to be for the viewer. Very important when you’re dealing with way-finding exterior and interior signage such as our project with Mustard Seed Market in Highland Square.
To quote Mustard Seed owner, Phil Nabors,
“You need to have your sense of place... in this space”.
We took that to heart and delivered a unique, yet clean and simple result for their new location.
Pharmacy Signage
After a couple decades of perfect health without children, my wife and I were re-introduced to things like the flu, ear infections, strep throat, and other strange things like hand, foot & mouth or fifth disease. We know the signs, my son has a halfsmile/ half-panic look that we call his “puke” face. When we see it, we interpret, and react by finding the nearest bucket.
Which oddly brings us to our amazing local client: Klein’s Pharmacy in Cuyahoga Falls.
From digital signage, illuminated channel letters, cabinet signs, window graphics, and in-store promotional signage, it was a great upgrade for the Klein’s brand as they move into the future. Also, they’re right in our backyard so I can pick up the next batch of antibiotics over my lunch break.
Agency Signage
Let’s not forget my kids' favorite place in the world, TRIAD's lovely home, the Foundry building. They can steal Skittles, M&Ms, chips & chocolate and then go on a sugar rampage in my office. They light up with joy when they see the signs down Front Street... The AWARD WINNING signs that is.
It was all in concept form during the rennovation, and it pretty much turned out exactly how our old photoshop mockups looked. I guess the client couldn’t change anything this time?
Part of our success with signage design is working with expert vendors. They help us along the way and bring our designs to life. Special thanks to Lettergraphics Sign Company and JW Color for always making us look good and making our clients happy.
Especially this particular client.
Non-Profit Signage
And lastly, is our work-in-progress for our client, the United Way of Summit County. They made a move into the Sojourner Truth Building in Downtown Akron. We designed the exterior signage system, way-finding for the interior and exterior, and also making the new signage work with graphics and installations being brought over from their old location. It’s exciting to be a part of the process and to see this great organization move into their new home.
Oh, and the lights look awesome.
We're Really Good at Signs
A sign is something (A) which brings something (B) its interpretant into correspondence with something (C) an object. Ok whatever, Peirce.
Like I said, we’re able to think outside the box in terms of design, but also understand how crystal clear the interpretation has to be for the viewer. Our experience allows us to properly utilize your space to convey your message, whether that's your organization's branding or just a good place to go to the bathroom.
If you need a refresh on your storefront or your office signage, we’re here to help... don’t look at us like we’re crazy.