In the agency world, your Account Executive is your super-mega best friend.
We’re your first call for exciting news (new project - yay!), terrifying news (it’s due tomorrow!), advice (how do we do this?), and total support (we’ve got your back, we’ll take care of it!).
We’re the “Be Fri" to your “st ends”.
At the core, our job is to be your direct contact at the agency, and to work with you to find the best way to accomplish your marketing goals on-time, on-budget and most importantly to your highest satisfaction. That means a lot of listening to what you want, determining what it is you need, and then working with our internal creative teams to pull it all together.
We are problem solvers, marketing strategists, media planners, web and design consultants, sometime art directors, couriers, video extras, sandwich orderers and part-time hand models.
At any given time, when we’re not super busy with our hand-modeling gigs, we’re involved in a number of different projects, and we love working with clients to help solve business and communications challenges.
Let’s Do Lunch
We also love lunch. And breakfast and second breakfast and elevenses and afternoon tea and dinner and supper. So if at all possible, we’re going to schedule our meetings around one of these meal times. The best decisions are made over sandwiches anyway.
Account Executives Know You
Part of being a good AE means getting to know our clients really well. We know your birthday, your kids’ names, that you HATE the color red, enjoy traveling and we’ll happily chat with you about Stranger Things for an hour. But more importantly, we learn about your organization, your culture, your brand, your audiences and what you want to communicate to them.
We get a good feel for what "unique and impactful" means to you or how you interpret "clean and modern". When you say, “It needs to have a Company X feel,” we know exactly what that involves.
We Won’t Take It Personal
Don’t be afraid to let us know if you don’t like something, or if we just haven’t nailed it yet. As an AE we always want to see you happy, and we’re never going to let you see us sweat. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!
Honesty is always the best policy.
Let us know your budget and timeframe up front. It’s not an obstacle and we’re not going to up-sell you. We’re just going to make sure we’re all on the same page and working toward the same goal together.
You're the Betty to my Wilma. The Kenan to my Kel. The Peanut Butter to my Jelly. The Waldorf to my Statler. The Hall to my Oates. The Cory to my Shawn. The Gin to my Tonic.
Moral of the story, friend: we’re here for you. Let’s get together soon and grab lunch!